
Foundation - Config

Config holds your @font-face font setup (if applicable), and all of your application-wide variables. We include a set by default, which is broken down into Base, Colors, and Fonts.


If serving font files from a known path (e.g. your server), we include Bourbon’s +font-face mixin to simplify the daunting syntax, and also list fallback files needed for browser compatibility.

// -------------------------------------
//   @font-face
// -------------------------------------

// ----- Open Sans ----- //

+font-face('OpenSans', 'OpenSans');
+font-face('OpenSans', 'OpenSansBold', bold);
+font-face('OpenSans', 'OpenSansItalic', normal, italic);

Note: if you use a web font provider that offers fonts exclusively via a JavaScript snippet, you can expect to leave the @font-face section empty.


All variables in NGSCSS are defined in Config and are prefixed by their role or respective Component/Structure.

  • $b-* for base variables
  • $c-* for colors
  • $g-* for breakpoints
  • $componentName-* for Components
  • $structureName-* for Structures

Colors are a somewhat complicated issue, but we’ve had the most success defining an initial palette (without color prefixes), and then referencing those colors within other varibles. In projects with a limited set of colors, you may not need a palette section, so we encourage you to choose the approach you prefer.

// -------------------------------------
//   Colors
// -------------------------------------

// ----- Palette ----- //

$cerulean: #017ba7;
$forest: #7ba05b;
$gainsboro: #ecf0f1;
$gold: #ffd700;
$jet: #343434;
$scarlet: #ff3f00;
$white: #fff;

// ----- Base ----- //

$c-background-invert: $white;
$c-background: $gainsboro;
$c-border: lighten($jet, 30%);
$c-error: $scarlet;
$c-highlight: $cerulean;
$c-text-invert: $white;
$c-text: $jet;
$c-subdue: lighten($cerulean, 40%);
$c-success: $forest;
$c-warning: $gold;

// ----- Components ----- //

// Example: $row--a-background: $c-highlight;

// ----- Structures ----- //

// Example: $dropdown-link-color: $c-subdue;

// -------------------------------------
//   Base
// -------------------------------------

// ----- Borders & Box Shadow ----- //

$b-borderRadius: 3px;
$b-borderStyle: solid;
$b-borderWidth: 2px;
$b-border: $b-borderWidth $b-borderStyle $c-border;
$b-boxShadow: 0 2px 0 rgba($jet, 0.25);

// ----- Typography ----- //

$b-fontFamily-heading: 'OpenSans', sans-serif;
$b-fontFamily: 'OpenSans', sans-serif;
$b-fontSize: 16px;
$b-fontSize-s: 75%;
$b-fontSize-m: 90%;
$b-fontSize-l: 115%;
$b-lineHeight: 1.5;

// ----- Sizing ----- //

$b-space: em(20px);
$b-space-s: 0.5 * $b-space;
$b-space-l: 2 * $b-space;
$b-space-xl: 4 * $b-space;

// -------------------------------------
//   Components
// -------------------------------------

// ----- Grid ----- //

$g-s: em(480px);
$g-m: em(800px);
$g-l: em(1024px);

// -------------------------------------
//   Structures
// -------------------------------------

// ----- Dropdown ----- //

// Example: $dropdown-width: em(200px);